Friday, 26 July 2019

Heatwave, fruit, birds and flowers


Phew, it looks like the super hot weather is over for now here.  I've been working with the fan on trying to cool down, popping to the pool, enjoying the air con at the gym, (coolest place) and eating food that requires no heating (including ice cream).  It is rather nice to be feeling a little cooler today, although I have loved leaving the house without having to lug any 'just in case' clothing with me and to feel sunshine.
So, something else I have been doing just lately is adding some products to my Redbubble shop.  I really wanted to make patterns with some of the work I made whilst doing the 100 day project over on Instagram.  I've made florals, birds, and fruity prints and stickers so far, and I'm intending to add to it over time.  Here's a selection, the first are stickers available in several sizes.

 These images below are all patterns available on a variety of products from duvet covers to notebooks.

I really enjoyed making these, it's really lovely to be able to make work from recent sketchbook creations, and it's giving me all sorts of ideas for the future.  
I hope you've had a lovely week and I'll be back soon :).

Friday, 19 July 2019

Patterns, stickers and my shop


I hope you've had a good week.  I wanted to share a few more of the images I created in my sketchbook which have now been scanned and cleaned and some of them have become products in my Etsy shop.  I'm also starting to make patterns from some of the images, more to come about that soon.  I found doing this work so useful in terms of experimentation.

Below are the original illustrations for the sticker packs which are available here.  I have some other images which I'm planning to make into stickers soon.  

Right, back to work with a cuppa.  A lovely new roll of paper arrived this week all ready to be sketched on :).  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

My 100 Day Project


For the last three months or so I took part in the 100 day project over on Instagram.  It was something I had been considering for a while but as it was a big commitment I wanted it to be something that would really benefit me, and keep me enthused until the end, 100 days is a long time after all!  In the end I decided to do '100 days in my sketchbook'.  I do have sketchbooks, but to be honest a lot of them are more full of notes and general mess and not something that I consider to be a nicer looking sketchbook (you know what I mean).  I thought this project may help me get down some ideas on any subjects that I wanted to pursue, (I did have several in mind), I also hoped I may get some work that I considered half decent out of it, and some potential future work ideas.
I'll be honest it did take me a few days to get into the swing of things, relax a bit and go with the flow.  Some of the work I was not happy with, but I posted anyway, as that is all part of a challenge, right?  Some I was pretty chuffed with, and some are ideas that I'm going to come back to and make work from.  On a personal note it has also become a visual diary of a time in my life which was something else I hoped for.  When I look at the images I remember where I was, what I was listening too/watching, thinking and feeling at that time.  So for me it's a good personal record.
I'll share some of my favourites over a few posts starting with the earliest.  I hope you enjoy!  Did you take part (or are you taking part) in the project?  How did you find it?

I've been spending the time since finishing scanning and cleaning up the work.  I still have a few to finish.  I've also got plans for some of it and I'll share that when they're finished.  
Have a lovely week and I'll be back soon :).