Thursday, 20 January 2022

12 Olympians - Greek Mythology illustrations


Today I'm going to share a project I've been working on over the past few months.  I think I actually started it at the end of 2020, but I've worked on it on and off since then and it's now finally complete!  I had an idea in my head for a while beforehand about creating a series of illustrations that would work together as a distinct set.  I'd also had the idea about doing something around Greek mythology for a while.  It's a subject I find interesting and I wanted to embark on a project where I would learn.  I decided to create the images of the 12 main Olympian Gods.  I thought this would be a project that would be achievable (12 illustrations), but also would be long and involved enough to be a challenge.  I stopped and started many times, worked on other things in-between, almost threw in the towel on a number of occasions but I did persevere and I'm really happy I did.  

I set a few style and image parameters from the start.  Each illustration would feature the full length figure and would include some of their attributes drawn in black and white.  I wanted a uniform colour palette and I wanted it to link to the ancient pots, vases and plates which I always loved looking at from museum trips and photographs, so I chose rich red brown and yellow ochre/raw sienna to be the accompanying colours.  

I'm really happy with how they've turned out.  I haven't done too much figure drawing over the past years so that was something I was keen to work on and was another part of the challenge.  I spent a lot of time especially early on, going back and forth abandoning images and re-creating them, but I definitely found once I'd created a few more finished illustrations I got into my flow, (as tends to happen) and I started to speed up and see consistency in the images.  I hope you enjoy my take on a selection of the Greek Gods!  Here they are in no particular order :).

Finishing that project has been the start to 2022 for me.  I'm excited for what the year ahead will bring and I'm looking forward to getting started on some new work.  One of the first things I'm planning to do is make some design changes to my website.  I've wanted to do this for a while but I also know for me this can be quite a task! It's on the top of my list though so I am going to start on it soon.  I'll let you know when it's complete.  
Have a lovely rest of the week :).