I hope you're all having a good week. Today I'm sharing another new piece of work that's been inspired by my museum sketches. I had a real desire to draw a dragon. I saw so many of them in my museum wanderings, and there is something very magical about them that really captures my imagination. It took quite a bit of sketching to get the dragon that I wanted to create, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. I hope there's a sense of personality captured in my creation! I've been enjoying drawing fantastic, strange, mythical creatures over these past few months, adding to my usual bird and animal creations. It's been a bit of a shift for me in terms of subject matter, and something I'm hoping to continue with.
The dragon was transformed into a linocut image and then the rest was a combination of acrylic paint, coloured pencil, charcoal, and pen. I wanted to take elements of stone work, carvings and fire into the illustration and I loved creating all those textures and patterns. I also indulged my love of a limited colour palette sticking to three main colours.
Just finishing up my coffee now and then I'll be busy organising for an art market tomorrow. It'll be my first outdoor market and it's for artists based in my London borough of Barnet. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some pictures of the day and I'll post them here hopefully next week!
I hope you've had a lovely week and enjoy your weekend :).