It's a beautiful sunny day here in London today hooray! There's definitely been a lack of those just recently so it's fantastic to have such beautiful weather :).
I've been busy over the last week or so with amongst other things completely re-designing and relocating my website. This is something I'd been wanting to do for a long time. I was never entirely happy with how my previous site looked, but was quite nervous about undertaking a big re-design because I was worried just how long it would take, and whether I would be able to create what I was after. In the end I had about a week of downtime and I'm so happy that I decided to do it. I'm now with Squarespace following a recommendation, thank you! and I've been so happy both with the level of support they give and all the guidance they have available. For someone with very little knowledge of website creation they have fantastic templates and how to guides. I'm pretty much done for now so if you'd like to check it out take a look here and let me know what you think!
Besides that I thought I'd share some recent work especially as it seems a fitting day for strawberries! These are strawberry shortcakes (my Mums are delicious :)). I really enjoyed doing all the plate decoration and detail.
Yesterday I also popped into the Roundhouse to see the immersive installation +/- Human. I loved it. I found both the orbs and the music totally mesmerising and hypnotic. I'd just been to the gym so I settled down on the floor all relaxed and just watched them whirring all around me. It finishes tomorrow so if you're in the area I'd really recommend popping in.
Ok that's it for now. I hope you're having a lovely weekend. It's bank holiday here in the UK so that combined with such gorgeous weather is a real treat!